New Wine into Fresh Wineskins

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“Neither is new wine put into old wineskins; otherwise, the skins burst, and the wine is spilled, and the skins are destroyed; but new wine is put into fresh wineskins, and so both are preserved” (Matthew 9:17)

We are so happy that you have found your way to our new website, courtesy of our developer Tyler Owen. Tyler has given us some fresh wineskins in the form of this website, which is streamlined, more contemporary, and more functional than our old one. You will be able to see our mission and vision, sign up to receive our online newsletter and notices, read our blogs, contact us, become a member, and donate. While not all of these pages are available yet, they will be soon.

So now it is up to us to put some new wine into these new wineskins. We have worked hard to keep going in this midst of the pandemic, with our congregations suffering from the lack of face-to-face meetings and decreased giving, as have most non-profits. But we have Zoomed like the rest of you, have made clear our belief that staying at home is the best way to love our neighbors, and have donated from our treasury to food relief and to those who we think are doing the most with the least, such as Matthew 25.

We hope to keep putting new wine into the new wineskins, and hope that you will join us in this effort.

Shalom, salaam, namaste, with gassho, and peace.

Charles Crawley


Statement on Racism by Members of the IRCLC


Welcome to the IRCLC